Chrono Cross Best Fargo Roulette
Fargo Roulette Chrono Cross, gamehouse free spins, super craps strategy, vine roulette leeko exposed As a beginner in the gambling industry, it’s hard to find the right path for yourself. There’re lots of Australian online Fargo Roulette Chrono Cross casinos on the Fargo Roulette Chrono Cross internet and only some of them are safe. Fargo (ファルガ, Faruga?) is a reputable seaman who sailed around El Nido and developed a reputation for fierceness in Chrono Cross. 1 Personality 2 Story 3 How to Recruit 4 Boss Battle 5 Pros 5.1 Con 6 Tech Skills 7 Site Navigation In the past, Fargo can be seen as a family man towards his family until his wife Zelbess' death, leading him to become a full-fledged pirate who sails the S.S.
Cross 4 - Bone crap Yer 3 - Iron Outdated crap trattamento del gambling 2 - Mythril Flavor fargo the moment Rank 1 roulette holland online casino Rainbow Shell best material in the game or Denadorite every time after the first win Next play after Mythril It's very easy to roulette this game for huge profit. When the spinner is compass just. It's been a busy few days, but I'm back for more Chrono Cross. In this segment we find Sneff the Magician, some German mermaid who seems to know Fargo, Mikki the dancer, and the Marbule Sage.
There are those armors you can buy, and those you can't. Of the buyable type, Vests are weaker but have higher evade stats, and Mails are heavier but stronger. Almost all of the 'found' types of armors are horrible stat-wise, with the notable exception of the colored Plates, which absorb specific Elements. See the Shopping List for info on where and when to buy each type of armor.
Since you can never completely de-equip your armor, all stats are derived from the lowest-ranking armor, Ivory Vest. (This means that many Evade stats are negative, because Vests have higher Evade stats than Mails.)
'Child-size' characters are: Draggy, Starky, Van, Marcy, Mel, Leah, Pip, Turnip, NeoFio, Poshul, and Razzly.
'Female' characters are: Kid, Riddel, Marcy, Luccia, Poshul, Razzly, Macha, Leena, Harle, Miki, Janice, Sprigg, NeoFio, Irenes, Mel, Leah, Steena, and Orlha.
Name | Def | M.Def | EV% | Sell | Location | Components | Comments |
Black Plate | 7 | 7 | -3 | 3,962 | Steal from the Black Dragon | Shiny Salt(2), Shiny Soot, Mythril(2), Iron(2), Copper(2), Eyeball, Carapace | Absorbs Black elements, but is weak to White Elements |
Blue Plate | 7 | 7 | -3 | 3,962 | Steal from the Blue Dragon | Shiny Ember(2), Shiny Dew, Mythril(2), Iron(2), Copper(2), Eyeball, Carapace | Absorbs Blue elements, but is weak to Red Elements |
Bronze Mail | 3 | 3 | -3 | 212 | Bought for 200G; 2 found in A Viper Manor | Copper, Scale, Humour, Fur | Copper-based |
Bronze Vest | 2 | 2 | 0 | 150 | Bought for 100G | Copper, Fur | Copper-based |
Carapace Dress | 4 | 8 | -3 | 1685 | Found in Viper Manor Sewers (Home) | Iron, Bone, Scale(4), Fur(2) | Females only. |
Cloud Cape | 7 | 3 | 15 | 755 | Steal from Bomber, Lantern Jaw, or Pterodact | Iron, Bone, Seed, Carapace(2) | Child-size only. |
Diva Dress | 10 | 12 | -3 | 6,345 | Dropped by VitaDuo or VitaTres, steal from VitaUnus, found in Kid's Past | Denadorite, Bone, Leather(2), Fur(2), Feather(2), Scale(2) | Females only. |
Energizer Suit | 6 | 7 | -3 | 3,182 | Found in Hermit's Hideaway (Home) | Mythril, Iron, Copper, Leather(2), Feather(4), Scale(4), Shiny Salt | Restores HP during battle. |
Feathery Dress | 0 | 7 | -3 | 527 | Steal from KingMoaman, find in A Guldove | Iron, Bone, Fur(2), Feather(4) | Females only. |
Ghetz's Shirt | -3 | 4 | 50 | 10 | Dropped by Wraith | Bone, Eyeball(5), Humour(5), Leather, Shiny Soot | None |
Green Plate | 7 | 7 | -3 | 3,962 | Steal from the Green Dragon | Shiny Sand(2), Shiny Leaf, Mythril(2), Iron(2), Copper(2), Eyeball, Carapace | Absorbs Green elements, but is weak to Yellow Elements |
Iron Mail | 6 | 5 | -3 | 467 | Bought for 560G | Iron, Copper, Scale, Humour | Iron-based |
Iron Vest | 5 | 4 | 0 | 450 | Bought for 420G; 1 won from Dragon Feeding game | Iron, Fang, Fur | Iron-based |
Ivory Mail | 1 | 3 | -3 | 140 | Bought for 60G | Bone, Scale, Humour | Bone-based |
Ivory Vest | Base | Base | Base | 85 | Bought for 40G | Bone, Fur | Bone-based |
Mythril Mail | 9 | 8 | -3 | 1,415 | Bought for 2,000G | Mythril, Iron, Humour, Carapace, Leather | Mythril-based |
Mythril Vest | 6 | 7 | 0 | 970 | Bought for 1,200G; 1 found in A Viper Manor Sewers | Mythril, Fur, Fang | Mythril-based |
Prism Vest | 14 | 12 | 0 | 9,1201 | Bought for 19,200G | Rainbow Shell, Fur, Fang, Carapace, Shiny Ember, Shiny Leaf, Shiny Sand, Shiny Dew | Prism-based |
Prism Mail | 16 | 16 | -3 | 12,627 | Bought for 24,000G | Rainbow Shell, Denadorite, Leather, 1 of each Shiny Element | Prism-based |
Red Plate | 7 | 7 | -3 | 3,962 | Steal from the Red Dragon (2nd fight, 2nd form) | Shiny Dew(2), Shiny Ember, Mythril(2), Iron(2), Copper(2), Eyeball, Carapace | Absorbs Red elements, but is weak to Blue Elements |
Scaley Dress | 2 | 9 | -3 | 880 | Found in Water Dragon Isle (Home) | Iron, Bone, Scale(4), Fur(2) | Females only. |
Screwy Dress | 6 | 13 | -3 | 7,907 | Found in Tower of Geddon | Denadorite, Bone, Fur(2), Feather(4), Leather(4) | Females only. |
Stardust Cape | 7 | 8 | 11 | 1,175 | Steal from Cupoid, found in Kid's Past | Iron, Bone, Seed(2), Carapace(2) | Child-size only. |
Stone Mail | 12 | 12 | -3 | 4,945 | Bought for 9,310G | Denadorite, Mythril, Carapace(2), Leather(2), Humour | Denadorite-based |
Stone Vest | 11 | 10 | 0 | 2,830 | Bought for 3,990 | Denadorite, Fur, Fang | Denadorite-based |
White Plate | 7 | 7 | -3 | 3,962 | Steal from the White Dragon | Shiny Soot(2), Shiny Salt, Mythril(2), Iron(2), Copper(2), Eyeball, Carapace | Absorbs White elements, but is weak to Black Elements |
Wisp Cape | 2 | 3 | 12 | 337 | Steal from FireDragon (1st time) | Copper, Bone, Seed(2), Carapace(2) | Child-size only. |
Yellow Plate | 7 | 7 | -3 | 3,962 | Steal from the Yellow Dragon | Shiny Leaf(2), Shiny Sand, Mythril(2), Iron(2), Copper(2), Eyeball, Carapace | Absorbs Yellow elements, but is weak to Green Elements |
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Cheat codes for Chrono Cross
Feed all 100 dragons Note: A controller with a turbo feature is needed for this trick. When you meet the man who feeds dragons in a barn, you can earn prizes depending on how many dragons you feed for him. To feed all 100, set the turbo feature on X and use the D-pad to move back and forth.Feel elementsUse a Feel element and then use an element that is opposite of the color of the Feel element to inflict more damage to an opponent. For example, use Feel Yellow and then use a Green Element.SummonThe field effect in the upper right corner has to be all one color to use a summon. For example, to cast a Blue Summon like Frog, the field effect has to be solid blue.Get MojoIn the 'Home World', get the shark tooth from the fisherman. Then in 'Present World', show the shark tooth to the scarecrow (Mojo) and he will join your party.Get GuileIn Termina, talk to the statue polishing man, then go to Korcha (boat man). Talk to him and he will tell you to get a person to help you to get to Viper Manor. Go to the bar and Guile will be the man next to the locked door. Ask him, or you can get Pierre or Nikki.Get KidAfter you talk to Lenna, go to Cape Howl. When you are leaving, Karsh will walk up to you and Kid will appear.Get Glenn and MachaSay 'No' to save Kid when she is poisoned and get Glenn and Macha (Korcha mother). Glenn and Serge have an attack together called 'X strike'.Get LennaSay 'No' after Cape Howl when Kid asks to join you. Go back and ask.Give Bellflower to GlennGo to the moutntain after Cape Howl and walk around where there is a brown monster. Avoid it and walk to the purple flowers. Get them, and when you get to Termina, go to where Glenn's brother and father are buried. He will be there with General Viper's daughter. He will walk up and ask you to give them for free.Hydra Humour for KidPress Start on the world map and change to 'Home World' from Opassa Beach. Go to Hydra Swamp (dwarves place) to find a Hydra Humour.New GameSuccessfully complete the game, then load the saved game. This will give you a 'New Game+' feature. This game allows access to your old level, elements, and summons.Alternate way to feed 100 dragonsFirst of all you do not need a turbo controller for this. Just 2 quick thumbs. First get all three feeds. Just move from stall to stall hitting X. When you do run out of feed quickly move back and get more. If you see a hungry dragon while getting feed rush to him first. Then move to the right from there hitting X at each stall. When you reach the end move left and repeat this action. If you run out before making it all the way to the left just rush back and fill up. It may take a few tries but it is possible. Good Luck!NewGame+/Continue+Beat the game, it doesn't matter what ending you get, you will be able to load data from another game and beat the game within 20 hours, You can speed up the NewGame+/Continue+ games by pressing R2, L2 Slows down the game. You also get the Relief Charm, so you don't have to have Serge in your party. You also have the Time Egg when you wake up. All your Key Items are gone, Your Recruited Characters, The Chrono Cross is gone (Item and Element), the MasterMune, and your Summons.Pips Lv.7 Tech Skills (Tumalu in Japan)ArchAngel Pip uses HeavenCalls on a single foe, he gives the opponent a gentle poke. ArchDevil Pip uses Hell'sFury on a single Foe, which makes him go into a hellish rage. ButterFly Pip Uses CannonCannon, Pip crawls into a Cannon and launches himself at the enemies. If you don't use Pip enough, he learns Pounce+4, just a better version of his Lv.3 Teck Skill.Pips' Evolution (Tumalu in Japan)Pip will evolve into Little Angel Pip if a majority of White, Yellow, and Blue elements are used on him. If a majority of Black, Red, and Green elements are used, he will become Little Devil Pip. If Pip changes into Little Angel Pip, and you continue to use a majority of White, Yellow, and Blue Elements on him, he will become ArchAngel Pip. If Pip became Little Devil Pip, and Continues having a majority of Black, Red and Green Elements on him, he will become ArchDevil Pip. If you Evolved him into Little Devil, then used a Majority of White, Yellow, and Blue on Pip, he will become Butterfly Pip. If you evolved Pip into Little Angel, and used a majority of Black, Red, and Green Elements after that, he will become Butterfly Pip.Get Pip (Tumalu in Japan)In Viper Manor, let Pip out of his cage iin Luccias Lab. Then, on the SS Invincible, Pip will be running around the hold, corner him and he will say that he wants to see the world, agree to let him see the world and he will join you.Get DocTo get Doc, choose not to save Kid. When you need to transfer worlds a little later in the game, go back to Guldove and go inside Doc's house. Kid will be healed. Talk to Doc in the front room and he will want to join you. Doc's level seven tech skill is 'Surfs Up', which heals your party.Max ACC all charactersRequires a gameshark:50002ccc0000 3006ebe20063 99,999,999 goldRequires a gameshark800719a8e0ff 800719aa05f5 99,999,999Requires a gameshark800719a8e0ff 800719aa05f5 Max STR all charactersRequires a gameshark50002ccc0000 3006ebe00063 Have all key itemsRequires a gameshark500003020000 800712d8ffff 800712de701f ![]() All Recruitable CharactersTo get all recruitable characters, start a New Game. Beat it, and start a New Game+. Make sure you go in different paths such as this:Game 1: Save Kid Game +: Recruit Leena & don't save Kid. If you do that, then on New Game++, this is what you do. Go to Sprigg's house in 2-D world with the Chrono Cross. Right when you get there, it will say that the world is reacting to the Chrono Cross. Go into Sprigg's house. Right smack-dab in the middle of his house use the Chrono Cross as a key item. It will say that all your friends are re-recruited! Now there you have it! *NOTE* Since you are Serge, Lynx will not be in your party. Remember a long time ago, when Lynx was the main character? That's why! A Few Ultimate TeamsSerge, Glenn, ViperSerge, Radius, Viper Serge, Glenn, Sprigg Serge, Glenn, Grobyc Serge, Kid, Sprigg Serge, Razzly, Leena Serge, Norris, Grobyc Serge, NeoFio, Turnip Serge, Leah, Draggy Serge, Starky, Riddel Serge, Grobyc, Riddel Lynx, Sprigg, Harle Lynx, Sprigg, Sneff Lynx, Sprigg, Zappa Lynx, Zappa, Sneff Lynx, Viper, Radius Lynx, Viper, Riddel Lynx, Karsh, Riddel Get Janus EasierTo get Janus easier, make sure you have Sprigg.It should be a New Game++ Game. Go to The Bend Of Time. ![]() Make sure everyone is equipped with a For-Get-Me- Not-Pot. Defeat them. Go to the Grand Slam. In Round One, use Flea, Cyborg, and a monster from Chronopolis. In Round Two, use Gyorg, Snib Goblin, and Slash. In Round Three, use Snob Goblin, a monster from Chronopolis, and, last but not least, OZZIE! Every Way To Recruit KidWay #1: At Cape Howl, after defeating Karsh, Solt, and Peppor, allow her to join. *NOTE* If you do this, you will not be able to recruit Leena. If you recruited Poshul before going to Opassa Beach,Another Worldyou can have him and Kid. If not, he's lost for the rest of the game, so wait until New Game+. CannonBalls– 15 StarsWay #2: When Lynx stabbs Kid at Viper Manor, either save her to recruit her quicker, or follow way #3.Way #3: Don't save Kid and after Hermit's Hideaway and Fargo's S.S. Invinsible, go back to Guldove. There you will probably recruit Doc, and no matter if you like it or not, she WILL join. Way #4: After Kid is put to sleep in a coma, go to Divine Dragon Falls with the Tears of Love and Hate and put them on the pedastals to make the long lost 7'th mystical Element, the Chrono Cross! Make sure you have the Mastermune. Then, go to Hermit's Hideaway. 'Talk' to Kid. You will go into her dream. I'm not going to tell you anything, so you may want to follow a FAQ. Afterwards, when you see Lynx, tell Kid the nice choices to say. After that, she will think of you as, charming, and, JOIN! CachedHow Do I Save Marbule? - Chrono Cross Q&A For PlayStation ...Way #5: Get her off the 'Use the Chrono Cross at Sprigg's' cheat. |